Fairewinds Newsletter: Citizen Science Takes All of Us

Dear Fairewinds Supporters,

When people in communities worldwide donated to Fairewinds Energy Education, they took a big step in supporting our environmental justice work and speaking truth to power. We are deeply grateful – it worked! Our supporters helped us build one of the most effective community-volunteer citizen-science efforts. Please support the Fairewinds Community. Help us continue the essential work of empowering individuals and communities with open and democratized information and data.

As a result of community financial support, Fairewinds’ DirectorsMaggie and Arnie Gundersen, and scientific colleague Dr. Marco Kaltofen have published three peer-reviewed papers since 2017 using the citizen science model. Furthermore, these three scientists have gained international recognition for their work assessing the migration of radioactive microparticles at atomic power and nuclear weapons sites. 

The Impact of Donations

Following the meltdowns at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, concerned Japanese citizens called for help! So we mobilized and trained community-volunteer citizen-scientists to collect critical data. Fairewinds and its colleagues analyzed the data and wrote two major peer-reviewed and published scientific journal papers.

In 2018, the climate-change-induced Woolsey Fire swept through a large area outside Los Angeles, California, home to almost one million people and a radioactively-contaminated nuclear test site. A 1959 atomic meltdown severely contaminated the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL) nuclear test site. The Woolsey Wildfire, which began at SSFL, raged and discharged radioactive microparticles into the air. When surrounding communities called for help, Fairewinds colleagues and community volunteers mobilized to train those heroes to collect important scientific data.

Your support enables the fundamental examination and analyses necessary to publish our peer-reviewed journal scientific papers! Our reports are free and open to the public!

Today, your donation of $25, $50, or more will help us fund Fairewinds’ community-volunteer citizen-science programs in more communities threatened by radioactivity from past and present atomic industry sites.

Community-volunteer citizen-science works!

Stay Safe & Healthy,


And the Fairewinds Crew, too!